European Summer School in Quantum Science and Technology
The European Summer School in Quantum Science and Technology has taken place in Durbach from Sept 17th to 22nd, 2023. It was jointly organized by the KIT Graduate School of Quantum Matter (KSQM) for doctoral researchers in quantum science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT); QUSTEC, an international doctoral training program of Universities in Switzerland, France and Germany; as well as EFEQT, an European training program for Master students supported by the Quantum Flagship initiative.
The summer school constisted of lectures in cutting-edge research in quantum science with a focus on creating, controlling and manipulating quantum systems for quantum technologies. The event started with a grand opening on Sunday, Sept 17th, 3 days of the scientific lectures by invited speakers all over the world, one big session of "Meeting the Industry", a group hike in Black Forest and a Campus/Lab Tour at KIT on Friday. This Summer School brought together 74 participants from 21 universities across the whole Europe for exchange, and provided an interesting insight into various topics across the broad field of quantum science and technologies and boosted networking opportunities between junior and senior researchers and industry representatives.