KSQM Calendar


Navigating Academia Abroad: Career path for foreign scientists

Thursday, 10 October 2024, 14:00-16:00
CS, Physics Tower, 3/1

Join us for an inspiring event with a KIT alumna, Shiva Faeghinezhad, a distinguished academic professional in health technology assessment. Shiva's journey from civil engineering in Iran to becoming an Assistant Professor at the University of Twente, with extensive experience at KIT, has shaped her remarkable path.


Meet Prof. Dr.-Ing. Shiva Faeghinezhad on Thursday, 10.10.2024, 14.00h at the Physics Tower, room 03/01.

She will tell us about her experiences and lessons learned and the challenges she faced as a foreign scientist forging a successful career path in Europe.

Costs/ Payment
For its members, KSQM covers the costs that incur for holding this event.
Shiva Faeghinezhad

University of Twente
Yu Goldscheider, KSQM; Nicole Merkle, HIDSS4Health; Sikha Ray, BIF-IGS
Mail: ksqm@kit edu
Young Scientists
Online registration

Online Registration